Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lady Bits Suuuuuck

Okay, so I'm gonna touch on some of my current problems. WARNING: Too much information definitely included.
A couple months ago, I bought this Diva cup to help me try to save some money/save the environment where I can. If you haven't heard of it, it's this little silicone cup that you fold and insert like you would a tampon. It then spreads out and it supposed to catch all the blood. For a while, it worked out pretty great. I don't bleed a whole lot so I could go all day with it in with no problems. I stopped using tampons completely. Did you know that a tampon lasts on this Earth for 7 freaking years?!
Last month, I started having problems using it. For whatever reason, I couldn't get it to stay in place and I kept leaking all over the place. I was so frustrated because all of my cute-ass undies were getting stained. Because of the leaking, it made taking out the Diva cup incredibly difficult. One night, I went to grab the teeny, tiny nub to pull out the cup and my finger slipped and I FUCKING STABBED MYSELF IN IN MY VAGINA. It was so fucking awful. I soon forgot about it and moved on.
Suddenly, I started having some pretty gnarly discomfort whenever the dude and I would start messing around. It was only right when he put it in, but it was so bad it made me want to kick him away. I finally bucked up and went to the doc for an exam. That was when I found out that I had an actual fucking flap of skin from when I cut myself down there. They said to hold off sex for a couple weeks and gave me medication for BV, bacterial vaginosis. This is basically a chemical imbalance that is the opposite of a yeast infection.
Fast forward to now. We had sex a couple times but the pain is still there. Sooooo I had to tell him that we're going to have to hold off for another couple of weeks. Now, both of us struggle a lot with this because there is a lot of attraction between the two of us. Luckily he is patient as shit and is completely fine with waiting.
Along with the pain though, my lady bits have been suuuper dry and itchy as shit for the last week or so. It's completely maddening and I'm so frustrated with it. I have NEVER had problems with my downstairs being dry, fucking never! Side note: my mom has told me that the ladies in our family have a Lysine diffincy. Lysine is the amino acid that helps prevent cold sores and helps with any type of sores healing. I realized all last week I completely spaced taking any of my morning vitamins. As a matter of fact, I sucked at all my vitamins and stuff last week! So I'm thinking the cut + not taking my lysine is probably why I'm having these problems. But holy. fucking. shit. I am so miserable!
All I can think about now is when TF did my vagina get so goddamn sensitive?! Any irritation used to take like a day to recover. Now I have to wait 7-10 business days before my vagina will decide to do it's job again. It takes so long to fall asleep because I'm constantly itchy. Aaaand I don't get to sleep very long because I wake up from the damn itching, which normally prevents me from falling asleep again.
I feel broken. I feel tired. I feel frustrated. I feel like now that I'm over 25 years old, I have to pay attention to vagi-rules. No washing the lady bits with normal body wash. Gotta let that bitch just rinse and repeat itself. No lotion down there (soooo when your bits are a little dry, suck it tf up). Even fuuucking sex can throw all your shit off. And I'm thinking, do men realize how lucky they actually are?

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So, it's been a minute since I've blogged. I'm blogging to myself anyways soooo I guess it doesn't matter? Lmfao so updates ...